
Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have questions about how to use the worlds most advanced league tracking platform. Here are some answers, but feel free to reach out if you can't find what you are looking for.

We are confident you will enjoy working with Golf League Guru but for ease of mind we don’t collect payment until leagues have completed 3 rounds. At that point, if you choose, you can walk away with no questions asked.

We have a great support team. We answer questions in real-time by phone or if you have a question that isn’t as urgent you can contact us by email or use the support tool located on your admin dashboard.

If you contact us by phone please leave a message as we are often on other calls. We will return your call ASAP.

Support requests after business hours (Monday – Friday 8-5 EST) will be answered the next business day.  If it is an urgent problem that has you stuck we often respond sooner.

GLG does NOT support the following league types

  • Drop in leagues where you have different players on teams each week.  This doesn’t mean subs.  It means you pick new teams each week. If you are a golf course or organization we offer Golf Outing Guru which will handle this.  Look under “More Products” on the main screen.
  • USGA leagues that need a “FAKE” USGA calculation using league scores only.
    • For our USGA option, each player must have an active membership with a state golf association and an index must be added to our system which is converted to a USGA handicap.

Each player will have access to the mobile app that will show schedule, pairings, results, skins, roster and more. It will also allow players to add scores for the league round, request subs, track scores and stats outside of the league and more.

Yes, our import allows you to enter players, teams, contact information and score history.

We have 3 main ways to communicate with players, email, push notifications and group texting which can be done through our messaging area on the site or through the app.

An Email Address is required to send the verification code to your users so they can enjoy the app. Adding an email without a cell will allow you to send them a message asking them to download the app and verify.

Players can use the roster to send messages via text or email. If mobile scoring is used, players may use the on-course communication area of the app to send a message to the field.

Yes, mobile scoring is turned on by default but not required. League members may also use the mobile app to post scores outside the league as well. Don’t worry, these scores won’t count toward the league handicap!

Yes, we will automatically dot the scorecards based on the stableford, individual lowball, team lowball, or best ball lowball depending on your settings.

According to the USGA by stroking off the low ball, the higher handicap player/team receive their handicap strokes on the holes where they need them most – resulting in more holes tied compared to holes won or lost. If players/teams used full Playing Handicaps in match play, the better player/team would have the advantage on the more difficult holes (because he or she would also be getting strokes) and the other player would have an advantage on the easier holes.

In the case of a best ball match, the four golfers (two per team) compare course handicaps. The lowest HDCP golfer plays at scratch (0), and the other three reduce their handicaps by the same amount. If the four-handicaps in the match are, for example, 4, 10, 17 and 23, then the 4-handicap plays off scratch (0) and the other three course handicaps are reduced by three (becoming, in this example, 6, 13 and 19).

Yes, a season simply resets the points but keeps the previous seasons points available to look at.

No, add a group of buddies or run league that fills the course. Just have fun!

Yes, as long as the teams remain the same you can alternate between formats.

Yes, breaking the league up into divisions is a great way to stay organized. Divisions can easily be set to play opposite sides/courses each week.

Yes, a golfer/team can be replaced with another golfer/team at any time during the season.

Yes, teams that are removed but not replaced will be filled in with a blind draw team for the remainder of the league.

We have three options for handicapping, Custom Handicaps, USGA, or Scratch.

Custom Handicaps: If you’re trying to match your current handicap system custom is most likely what you’re looking for. Select the number of scores to use, the number of high and/or low scores to drop, the percentage to apply and much more.

USGA World Handicap System: The USGA handicap cannot be calculated by any software package or group therefore it requires that each player in the league has an official USGA Handicap in which case we will have an interface that allows GLG to pull your current information.
Scratch: No handicaps will be used

If you play Individual match play the rankings are set by Handicap the day of the round. This also means that a sub or a blind draw coming in may change the match ups. If two team members handicaps are tied, the system will look at the raw number before rounding to determine the correct position. Positions can be overridden at any time by the admin.

No, pairings or tee times are not required.

Yes, you can use as many courses as you like. Traveling leagues may have a different course each round.

Yes, each round you have an option to run gross or/and net skins games. Mark the players that are participating in each group and set the amount you have in each pot. We will do the breakouts for you.

We recommend finding a sub when you can but we also allow blind draws and give an option to play against par (the course).

Yes, our points editor allows you to edit points for any round by player or by team.

During the setup process the admin can choose to request system fees from the league participants or pay the total for all players. Either way they will have 3 rounds before payment is required.

Yes, Settings, and all player data will move over if you renew your league.

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